Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Who are you today?

"Who are you today?"  How often do you get asked this question?  As a substitute teacher I get asked this question a lot.  I know people are really asking who I'm substituting for.  I've responded with different answers.

My most common response is "I'm me.  I'm always me.  Today I'm subbing for _______."

One time I responded, "I'm Melinda Mower.  Who are you today?"  The teacher laughed and told me her name.

A few times I've responded, "I don't know.  I'm a different person every day and I'm really confused."  That usually gets a laugh.

I could not possibly be the teacher I am subbing for.  I've had to tell students, especially kindergarteners, that I am not their teacher and I will probably do things differently than she does.  I do the best I can to follow the sub plans left by the regular classroom teacher.  Even then I don't always do things exactly the same way he or she would.

I'm considering responding with something like "I'm Wonder Woman today."

So, if you were asked, "who are you today?" how would you respond?

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